

  • LEGO Kidsfest Prague
  • LEGO Movie screening, Angles Stadium
  • Pink Panther logo at Owens-Corning event
  • The San Diego Trolly
  • Coming April 2012: My national tour, "Nature Connects"
  • Exhibition at Gallery M55
  • Long Island City Arts Open 2011
  • Gallery show : June 2009
  • Mr. Continental
  • Plastic Shatner
  • A big LEGO medical robot
  • Giant Alligator built at FAO Schwarz
  • Chase logo
  • Museum of Arts & Design, auction benefit
  • 8 foot LEGO Batman at FAO Schwarz
  • Hot air balloon
  • LEGO city at FAO Schwarz, New York
  • Models at celebrity conference
  • Great Wall of China
  • Town with moving LEGO people
  • Ben Franklin Bridge
  • LEGO Company celebrity gala
  • LEGO city displayed for WTC architect