is a renowned, award-winning artist who has been creating art with LEGO bricks for
nearly 20 years.
His multiple-award-winning traveling exhibitions have
been touring globally since 2012,
he has authored 9 children's books,
and guest-judged
the hit TV show LEGO MASTERS.
His work can be found on permanent display at The LEGO Company's headquarters, in public spaces, and in private art collections worldwide.
nearly 20 years,
Sean has been creating contemporary sculpture with LEGO bricks for high-profile clients
like major corporations, high-end department stores, celebrities, billionaires,
television shows, and venues around the globe.
His work can be found in public and private collections in the United States, China, the Caribbean,
across Europe, Australia and more.
As seen in...
Sean talks about his inspiration
So... why LEGO?
LEGO is so intrinsically fun and whimsical, and Sean thinks the toy reflects
his personality well; he's structured and organized and logical, but silly and
playful. What better medium than a primary-colored children's toy based on
straight lines, rules, and math?
Art doesn't have to be so serious all the time!
How do you do that?
Sculptures and portraits are more than just accurate shapes; they have to
capture the essence of the original; they have to have a spark, a spirit, a
life. Sean loves to put himself into his work, to try to get the glint of a
child's eye, to bring a city block to life, or to imbue humor or anecdote
into a piece.
Most of his projects start out as pencil sketches, many end up with serious
engineering inside, and in between it all he loves to sit down with a big pile
of LEGO pieces and just figure it all out. After all, that's what you did as
a kid, right?
Sean and the LEGO company
Sean does not work for The LEGO Company (but he just might be their best customer!)
He has never been employed, sponsored, or endorsed by the company.
In 2005 Sean became the world's first LEGO Certified Professional, a title he held
for nearly 15 years.
As one of the most pre-eminent experts in his field,
Sean has designed and created large-scale sculptures for the LEGO company,
worked with them on conceptual product design,
and has been asked to represent the company at events and in promotional videos.