This scale model of Wrigley Field is part of my touring exhibit, Brick Masters Studio. Originally built in 2013, it previously traveled with a baseball-themed exhibit and has been on display at the famous Louisville Slugger Museum in Louisville KY, in the prestigious Scandinavia House on Park Avenue in Manhattan, among other locations around the world.
The model is over 5 feet wide, contains 57,960 LEGO pieces, and took 649 hours to build. It’s packed with zillions of tiny details… scroll down for a sneak peek at some of the details inside!

The invisible man in attendance.

The Simpsons!

The fan with the worst seat.

A line of fat guys waiting for hot dogs.


Blues mobile!

Darth and the stormies head off for a pretzel.

And of course my little signature brick, buried in the loading dock.